Center for Research on Globalization Director Michel Chossudovsky says the Hashim Thaci and the KLA have become a mafia, drug trading, civilian political party that is now attempting to become a member of the European Union.
The award-winning investigative journalist and documentary filmmaker John Pilger is one of many high-profile public supporters of Julian Assange and his organization WikiLeaks. Pilger has attended Assange’s court proceedings in London and has offered to contribute funds for his more than $300,000 bail. Pilger’s latest film, The War You Don’t […]
[ oh god, -again- ? ] Italians demonstrate as Silvio Berlusconi wins confidence vote – 14 December 2010 [youtube]UOp0h3xXEV0[/youtube] [youtube]LJ0wgefcAOg[/youtube]
[youtube]c-Z4yy1UBxM[/youtube] [youtube]uy_WEUiSPTk[/youtube] [youtube]whM9l88qUP4[/youtube] [youtube]DFPvxgTtRsI[/youtube]
[youtube]rpJ1fWRpHXU[/youtube] [youtube]P-QLEcEGBuI[/youtube] [youtube]ctFVNtlToiU[/youtube] [youtube]R6hP5bdUSaE[/youtube] [youtube]vSQihZBs0qQ[/youtube]
A reporter is doing an interview and is obviously recording. Do these guys even think before they begin speaking. Video & Article here
This video shows how the way that the corporate-owned, CIA-controlled media is handling the Wikileaks circus is a dream come true for Israel and its goal of goading the US into attacking Iran. Video
An excellent explanation of the fraudulent nature of debt-based interest-bearing fiat currencies … currencies given value only because you are told you have to use them and because you have no choice but to work to repay the “value” of the currency your governments have borrowed and the – interest […]
[ Israel’s gradualised slow-motion conquest of Palestine continues. ] [youtube]GSKay_Hu04k[/youtube]