Following Colombian accusations before the Organisation of American States (OAS) yesterday that Venezuela is “protecting” its guerrillas, Chavez announced that Venezuela would break off diplomatic relations with Colombia and withdraw its ambassador. Venezuelan institutions and international social organisations have expressed their support for Venezuela, while the U.S has supported Colombia’s […]
The international aid agency Oxfam demanded Monday that Israel compensate Palestinians in a northern Jordan Valley village after soldiers destroyed at least $29,000 of aid. In a statement, the charity said villagers in Al-Farisiya were forced into poverty when soldiers demolished 79 structures in the village, including homes, stables, sheds, […]
The Chilcot inquiry confirms what most suspected – the reasons for war were bogus. In future, such decisions must be transparent. It was almost exactly eight years ago that the public beat of the Washington war drums became so loud and insistent that it could no longer be ignored. But […]
Ouchie The New Pentagon Papers: WikiLeaks Releases 90,000+ Secret Military Documents Painting Devastating Picture of Afghanistan War It’s one of the biggest leaks in US military history. More than 90,000 internal records of US military actions in Afghanistan over the past six years have been published by the whistleblower website […]
Source: North Korea says it will use its “nuclear deterrent” in response to joint US-South Korean military exercises this weekend. Pyongyang was ready to launch a “retaliatory sacred war” at any time, the state-run Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) said. Washington and Seoul say the war games are to […]
Fourteen months ago the article “Globovision digging its own grave in Venezuela” was published on Axis of Logic. Now this right wing opposition news channel which made a career out of opposing and lying about the Chavez government has imploded forfeiting a possible 45.8% of its stock to the Venezuelan […]
The following article was first written in 1998. I am relinking it here not so much as to say “I told you so” but to point out that the long term economic future of the United States was obvious, or should have been obvious, to the people who are awarded […]
Some in South Korea dispute the official version of events: that a North Korean torpedo ripped apart the Cheonan. [ … now that’s what I’m Tonkin about … ] The way U.S. officials see it, there’s little mystery behind the most notorious shipwreck in recent Korean history. Secretary of State […]