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Join us as we travel to Gaza. Witness what happens on board the boats. Watch our videos everyday at WitnessGaza. Click HERE to follow the boats and for up to the minute updates
There are times when I must admit that to belong to the great group of uninformed people, or perhaps uncaring people, or unthinking people, would be a much easier way to get through life. The developed countries of the world have the wealth to create systems of distraction for the […]
Major General Smedley Darlington Butler, USMC 1881 – 1940 Double recipient of the Congressional Medal of Honor “I spent 33 years and 4 months in active service as a member of our country’s most agile military force–the Marine Corps. I served in all commissioned ranks from second lieutenant to Major […]
[youtube]rH6_i8zuffs[/youtube] [youtube]whVSw5X2pVU[/youtube] [youtube]JPddW3da2aA[/youtube] [youtube]4dbb4U8v3YQ[/youtube] [youtube]VPZcxQhUc9E[/youtube] [youtube]lMiedzHeUzg[/youtube] [youtube]gPST2cqgVQs[/youtube] [youtube]CBSNTxPM3mU[/youtube] [youtube]nnig3LwEs3Y[/youtube] [youtube]UsirWiQ5kv0[/youtube] [youtube]qAtVUx8_Rps[/youtube] [youtube]lvEPPsC3Xfs[/youtube]
The Icelandic economy has past away and it´s dying wish was to have its ashes spread all over Europe These and similar jokes we tell each other here in Iceland. And the Icelandic TV reporters who cover the Eurovision song-contest in Oslo at the moment tell us they have heard […]
The Audacity of the Free Gaza Flotilla by Ann Wright By the time you read this, we will be on the high seas of the Mediterranean (we hope the seas will not be too high). Our two U.S. flagged Free Gaza boats, will join two other passenger ships, a 600 […]
Former Senior BBC Mideast Correspondent Alan Hart says on air that Israeli Mossad did 9/11 and much more in his revealing interview with Kevin Barrett which can be heard here- https://www.radiodujour.com/mp3/201005… Alan explains the take over of America by zionists and exposes the failed false flag attack of the USS […]
This week, newspapers around the world received reports and signed documents from South Africa. The reports said that, in 1975, Israel agreed to sell South Africa nuclear weapons. South Africa then released an arms agreement signed by current Israeli President Shimon Peres. This is the document “heard round the world.” […]