Elite dominant social themes – promotions – can only function when people don’t understand that they are being promoted. People generally don’t like being manipulated. [ No shit. ] Once they’ve figured it out, the game is up. These fear-based promotions that the elite uses to gather further control and […]
When you ask people to revisit the events of 9/11 and reconsider what really happened, you enter the twilight zone of public mythology where people don’t want to rethink unhappy events and where you challenge their personal egos. Did you know that for the same reason that 2/3 of the […]
I had read that the United States had spent $300 billion dollars in Afghanistan since the invasion and occupation of that country ten years ago, so I naturally became curious where this tremendous quantity of money and resources had gone. Many Americans had said to me that we were in […]
[ … because he is a not a man of vision or a voice for change or hope or any of that shit – We are living Bush’s third term ] The Obama administration has granted secret permission to the CIA to carry out more indiscriminate drone missile strikes in […]
The Greeks Know What Is Being Done To Them Do You ? Watch live video from michaelrivero on Source : What Really