[ & it always has been … ] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=azcpq09ioDs [ … & it always will be – until you all collectively realise that it shouldn’t be …  ] Most Decorated US Marine General : ‘Purpose Of All US Wars Is Billions For Insiders’ Profits’ Smedley Butler (and here) was the […]

Pentagon shooting suspect in custody, second person suspected In the United States, the suspect in the Pentagon shooting has died from his wounds. The suspect, an American, opened fire on two police officers at the subway entrance to the Defense Department. He was critically wounded by the officers. Law enforcement […]


Universities in over 40 cities across the world have begun to observe Israeli Apartheid Week in condemnation of the Zionist regime’s suppression of the Palestinians. During Israeli Apartheid Week, which kicked off on Monday, the universities will hold protests and host related speeches, cultural performances, and movie screenings. The people […]


George Monbiot guardian.co.uk, Monday 1 March 2010 20.00 GMT https://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2010/mar/01/solar-panel-feed-in-tariff Plans for the grid feed-in tariff suggest we live in southern California. And at £8.6bn, this is a pricey conceit with little benefit Those who hate environmentalism have spent years looking for the definitive example of a great green rip-off. […]

Paul Craig Roberts describes how disunity and bickering among Muslims have made it possible for Israel to dispossess the Palestinians, for the US to invade Iraq and for the US to rule much of the region and beyond through puppets. Muslims are numerous but powerless. Divisions among Muslims, especially between […]

Iran’s foreign minister says former US President George W. Bush’s so-called war on terror has actually served as a guise for training terrorists. “Does fighting terrorism mean supporting professional killers?” Manouchehr Mottaki asked at the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva, according to Foreign Ministry Spokesman Ramin Mehmanparast who accompanied […]
