24 February 2010 While focusing on issues the mainstream media ignores and while digging for information the UK government would rather you didn’t know, Press TV journalist Amina Taylor searches for the truth behind the headlines of the most important stories in the UK. In this episode of “The Big […]
Mamoon Alabassi compares two “Iraq war” movies, “Avatar” and “Hurt locker”, and argues that, for Iraqis who feel de-humanized by the media, the positive depiction of non-humans in “Avatar” is welcome: “If some humans can relate to the ‘humanity’ of non-humans in fiction, then surely they would find it easier […]
[ … and what a giant balls-up that was ] “We were supposed to win. We didn’t have a back up plan.” Video: https://www.brasschecktv.com/page/804.html
A UN nuclear watchdog report suggests Iran could be developing a nuclear bomb, apparently confirming long-held suspicions in the West. But Tehran denies the claims, again insisting that its atomic intentions are peaceful. Michel Chossudovsky, who’s from an independent Canadian policy research group, believes that what Iran says hardly matters, […]
The International Monetary Fund operates primarily as a banker bailout machine. They cajole and tempt and confuse and threaten the leaders of governments worldwide to pay off the failed bets of the big bankers using the taxpayer funds of their countries. This has been going on a long time, at […]
James Petras argues that Mossad’s murder of a Palestinian official in Dubai using stolen European passports presages an era of chaos in international relations and makes every European travelling in the Middle East suspected of links with Israeli death squads. On 19 January Israel’s international secret police, the Mossad, sent […]
By Mike Riverio The Reserve system of banking, essentially a legalized counterfeiting system in the hands of private bankers, contains within it a trap. The moment that first Federal Reserve note goes into circulation, more money is owed to the banking system than is actually in existence. When the US […]
Link here Tip: Use fullscreen option and zoom functions https://www.scribd.com/doc/2567299/EliteConspiracyTopUNSecret425pagesShareWorldwide
US military installations around the World Despite United States economic weakness, although not unrelated to it, our military casts a heavy shadow everywhere on earth, far beyond the major and minor wars it is now conducting. The geographical and functional scope of the US military is cosmic. Formal alliances are […]
War is a legal way to rob the tax payers. Video: https://www.brasschecktv.com/page/103.html