[ … not that these evil swine pay any attention to anyone’s war laws ] The US is at unlawful war with Pakistan, having bombed over 50 sites and killing over 400. the Pakistan government rejects this violation of their nation, but just as the US has no respect for […]
Source: https://www.gilad.co.uk MONDAY, DECEMBER 7, 2009 AT 9:52AM GILAD ATZMON Benjamin Weinthal, theJerusalem Post’scorrespondent in Berlin wondered earlier this week whether Germany has learned from its Nazi history? The question is in itself very intriguing. Considering its past, one may expect Germany to oppose any form of racist, discriminatory, expansionist and […]
Source: prisonplanet.com Strategy papers call for United Nations to boss economies and erect world government under pretext of environmentalism Paul Joseph Watson Prison Planet.com Tuesday, December 1, 2009 Shocking newly uncovered UN strategy documents reveal how elitists are recruiting members of academia from all over the globe in an effort […]
https://whatreallyhappened.com/WRHARTICLES/dyinginafghanistan.php [ … it just makes you feel so, so, proud … ]
[ Dubai is where those evil fu*ks from Halliburton relocated their offices – when they got sick of paying taxes. This from Brasscheck TV ] For years the news media has portrayed Dubai as a wonderland. Now, it’s being held up as an example of extravagance. The missing part of […]
Source: infowars.com Appearing on The Alex Jones Show yesterday, Lord Christopher Monckton went further than ever before in his vehement opposition to the elitists running the climate change scam, calling for the UN to be shut down and for fraudulent peddlers of global warming propaganda like Al Gore to be […]
CBC – The Fifth Estate – The Unofficial Story On September 11, 2001 the world watched in shock and disbelief as planes flew in to New Yorks World Trade Center and the Pentagon in Washington, and Americans realized they were under attack. But by whom? What really happened? In The […]
The Cost of War by Philip Giraldi War may be hell, but it also doesn’t come cheap and it is time that the US taxpayer begin to question what he is getting for his money. [youtube]zk0luq1JYxc[/youtube] Napoleon once famously said that an army travels on its stomach. He meant that […]
by General Leonid Ivashov * General Leonid Ivashov was the Chief of Staff of the Russian armed forces when the September 11, 2001, attacks took place. This military man, who lived the events from the inside, offers an analysis which is very different to that of his American colleagues. As […]
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