USS Liberty Vet Awarded the Silver Star Navy Vet Honored, Foiled Israeli Attack By RAY McGOVERN What’s the difference between murder and massacre? The answer is Terry Halbardier, whose bravery and ingenuity as a 23-year-old Navy seaman spelled the difference between the murder of 34 of the USS Liberty crew […]

Source: By Paul Craig Roberts May 21, 2009 “Information Clearing House” — – America has lost her soul, and so has her president. A despairing country elected a president who promised change. Americans arrived from every state to witness in bitter cold Obama’s swearing-in ceremony. The mall was packed […]

From I believe this is one of the best and most important documentary films to be made in many years. This is an extraordinary film about the creation of the American corporation, its legal organizational model, its global economic dominance and its psychopathic tendencies, and its incredible ambition to […] Wednesday, April 22, 2009 One of the most fearsome fighting arts the world has ever seen was born from the very flames of tyranny. Armed with just his determination, patriotism, and a simple bamboo staff, men like him struck true terror into the hearts of the Japanese occupiers of […]

American Free Press) – ALL AMERICANS WHO PARTICIPATE in secret Bilderberg meetings are criminals and traitors. The Logan Act expressly forbids U.S. citizens to negotiate public policy with representatives of foreign governments. Thus, American officials and private citizens who participate are lawbreaking criminals. U.S. and foreign government officials who attend […]
