Max McKeown 23 Apr 2007 Psychopaths & Sycophants Far too many organisations are stuffed with sycophants prepared to overlook anything shady, illegal, or unethical as long as they are getting to hang around and share some power. Even if that means pandering to a corporate psychopath. Leaders need followers, right? […]

The New Clinton Chronicles is a documentary about Bill and Hillary Clinton’s alleged criminal activities and Bill Clinton’s circle of power.   It is very interesting from a number of perspectives, including that it exposes how much important information is being concealed from the public by the corporate-controlled mainstream media. To […]

TheEndRun.com On the evening of March 19, 2009, Lawrence Korb spoke at the University of Pittsburgh (video at the end of this article). Korb was the Vice President of the Council of Foreign Relations (CFR) from 1998-2002. He was also the CFR’s director of National Security Studies during that same […]

The Council on Foreign Relations, often described as the “real state department”, has launched an initiative to promote and implement a system of effective world governance. The program, titled “The International Institutions and Global Governance Program,” utilizes the resources of the “…David Rockefeller Studies Program to assess existing regional and […]

April 6, 2009 Manipulation of the Mind (Photo: AP/Paul Sakuma) The astonishing quotes from CIA documents below reveal detailed, successful experiments in highly secret, government-sponsored mind control programs. Through hypnosis, drugs, and electric shock, CIA clinicians fractured personalities and induced multiple personality disorder (MPD). These top secret programs were successful […]
