Source: latimes.com A growing body of evidence is suggesting that exposure to organophosphate pesticides is a prime cause of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, ADHD. The findings are considered plausible to many experts because the pesticides are designed to attack the nervous systems of insects. It is not surprising, then, that […]


This website is a wonderful source of information, as one can find out the incidence of side-effects from drugs and vaccines as well as access many case histories by simply typing key words of what one is looking for into the search window. https://www.patientsville.com/ Here are some links to information […]


https://www.guardian.co.uk/society/2005/jun/12/medicineandhealth.genderissues Fluoride in tap water can cause bone cancer in boys, a disturbing new study indicates, although there is no evidence of a link for girls. New American research suggests that boys exposed to fluoride between the ages of five and 10 will suffer an increased rate of osteosarcoma – […]


Watch this movie. On at the Auckland film festival https://www.nzff.co.nz/default.aspx?id=8791&region=2 Still tickets available for the last two shows. … ooooh but hurry. ========================= The official ‘redband’ trailer for American The Bill Hicks Story www.americanthemovie.com This groundbreaking new documentary uses a stunning new animation technique to tell the story of the modern cultural […]

There’s an old adage in medicine: An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. I couldn’t agree more. The problem with a lot of truly preventive medicine is that there’s not much money in it. The real money (for drug companies) is in treatment. To an extent, there […]
