A gated community on the Internet is about to take shape. It begins with identity and deals with mis/trust; sorting the wheat from the chaff. It facilitates auditing of all e-transactions, to fight cybercrime and ensure compliance. This is the new smart world, where control of identity is key. Eleven […]

[ If you like formulaic British crime dramas AND the ‘Airplane’ films ~ then you’re in luck ] [youtube]3xU3EQULt7A[/youtube] [youtube]sOID08uRzZs[/youtube] [youtube]P0FDAqS0Wy4[/youtube] [youtube]B67xhWEOVlA[/youtube]

While it’s quite true that its global news service is really and absolutely nothing but Giant Pro-War Dross Bollocks it’s also true that the BBC can – like its documentaries – occasionally pinch out dramas that are of an unparalleled worldwide standard. These are some such dramas. “House of Cards”, […]
