This new and interesting-looking internet series from the director of the first X-Men movie can be viewed from the beginning here [ h / t ~ Lommy ]
Aotearoa Indymedia ( is an activist news website where you publish information to a wide audience about the issues you are concerned with. Indymedia is a non-commercial, not-for-profit website that encourages the participation of our users to create and use content. You can directly publish stories, photographs, press releases, details […]
A gated community on the Internet is about to take shape. It begins with identity and deals with mis/trust; sorting the wheat from the chaff. It facilitates auditing of all e-transactions, to fight cybercrime and ensure compliance. This is the new smart world, where control of identity is key. Eleven […]
Mosireen is a non-profit media collective in Downtown Cairo born out of the explosion of citizen media and cultural activism in Egypt during the revolution. Armed with mobile phones and cameras, thousands upon thousands of citizens kept the balance of truth in their country by recording events as they happened […]
[ If you like formulaic British crime dramas AND the ‘Airplane’ films ~ then you’re in luck ] [youtube]3xU3EQULt7A[/youtube] [youtube]sOID08uRzZs[/youtube] [youtube]P0FDAqS0Wy4[/youtube] [youtube]B67xhWEOVlA[/youtube]
[ h / t : Lommy. If Bill Hicks and Ewen Gilmore were ever to be able to somehow together have a child then it would probably look a lot like this ] [youtube]zGuU4xe225A[/youtube]
The Global Alternative Media is raising the political consciousness of America and the West, and liberating millions from a propaganda prison whose bars are made of language and official narratives [ … and pointless phrases like ‘conspiracy theorist’ ]. . Read the rest here
How the news media works and what it’s for. and how it has nothing to do with giving you the news. Video: – Brasscheck
As we remember the horrific events of 9-11 on this 11th anniversary, it’s an excellent opportunity to remind people that many unanswered questions remain about the day that changed everything. Nearly anyone who takes an honest look at the official explanation of 9-11 realizes it’s at best incomplete, and at […]