Gilad Atzmon views the latest attempts by Israelis, Zionists and “anti-Zionist” pretenders to sabotage the free encyclopaedia Wikipedia.” Article here
After Iceland’s near-economic collapse laid bare deep-seated corruption, the country aims to become a safe haven for journalists and whistleblowers from around the globe by creating the world’s most far-reaching freedom of information legislation. The project is being developed with the help of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange. It flies in […]
Source: By Russia Today Files declassified in America have revealed covert public relations and lobbying activities of Israel in the U.S. The National Archive made the documents public following a Senate investigation. They suggest Israel has been trying to shape media coverage of issues it regards as important. You […]
Kenneth O’Keefe, who witnessed the Israeli assault on the Gaza-bound Turkish aid ship, the Mavi Marmara, highlights the prejudices, distortions and lies of the BBC, whose Panorama programme on 15 August propagated the Israeli line regarding the assault on the aid ship and the murder of nine peace activists, hook, […]
So Google and Verizon went public Monday with their “policy framework” – – better known as the pact to end the Internet as we know it. News of this deal broke this week, sparking a public outcry that’s seen hundreds of thousands of Internet users calling on Google to live […]
[ … is that a Union, Jack ..? ]
Source: Monday’s announcement that Verizon and Google will create a distinct wireless experience put net neutrality discussions not so much on the back burner as in the recycling bin. Although early speculation suggested that the corporate giants were going to create the equivalent of an E-Z Pass lane for content […]