[ & on why Alex Jones is so scary for some people ] [youtube]rY1XaZWj2Mg[/youtube]
There is a Hebrew Blessing known as the Shehechiyanu Blessing. I am tempted to recite it this very moment….. “Blessed are You, Lord our God, King of the universe, who has kept us alive, and sustained us, and enabled us to reach this moment”. I posted exactly a week ago that […]
[youtube]YcYX03B9GYU[/youtube] [youtube]jkiH67vEcMk[/youtube] [youtube]yocBSmC2RM8[/youtube] [youtube]P9BfvPjsXXw[/youtube]
The Day Today 24 news report covering the September 11th terrorist attacks in New York. [youtube]1SPWgodul_E[/youtube]
The Israeli government is hoping YouTube and Twitter can help restore its reputation after a botched raid on a Gaza-bound flotilla killed nine people. Don’t get your hopes up, Bibi. There’s only so much a technological tactic can do after such a big strategic blunder. Besides, the folks on those […]
There are times when I must admit that to belong to the great group of uninformed people, or perhaps uncaring people, or unthinking people, would be a much easier way to get through life. The developed countries of the world have the wealth to create systems of distraction for the […]
The Chinese government announced today that it would disband its extensive domestic spying program that gathers personal information on its citizens and would instead use Facebook. According to the head of the domestic spying operation, China decided to scrap its elaborate array of spy satellites, eavesdropping devices and closed-circuit surveillance […]