New Zealand readers who can stomach watching the TV news reports will have seen an item claiming that “Ukraine needs more ammunition” along with footage and interviews of Ukrainian artillerymen firing off shells into undisclosed targets. What you were NOT shown is where those shells were aimed and who they […]

Various countries have welcomed the restoration of diplomatic relations between Iran and Saudi Arabia, while the regime in Tel Aviv seems to view the development as a “fatal blow” to its regional coalition building against the Islamic Republic. Press TV — March 10, 2023 After several days of intensive negotiations […]

Are you getting the picture yet? This article from Clare Swinney at chemtrailsnorthnz surely must pose some very obvious questions for you. As also must this one (link). The technology clearly exists but is clearly not being used for the reasons you would expect … EWR From Pam Vernon, original source Clare Swinney […]

Who remembers Steven Spielberg’s Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977)? Take a look at these captioned screenshots. The scenario strangely echoes current events. The story begins with a series of ariel close encounters between aircraft and UFOs over US airspace. At first balloons are suspected, but the witnesses report […]

Aliens or China? What in the name of God is going on in America? Sott.netMon, 13 Feb 2023 Following last week’s comically bizarre ‘Chinese Spy Balloon Shoot-down’, this weekend the Pentagon declared that it shot down two MORE ‘Chinese balloons’ over Alaska and Canada, and that it scrambled fighter jets […]
