Interesting how rapidly they made a U-Turn and portray the Ukraine military as heroes, is it not? Here’s Time Magazine, a mere two years ago: Here’s the almighty BBC 8 years back: Aug 9, 2022 CBS aired this documentary about U.S. weapons getting lost in the Ukraine a few days […]

Russel Brand delivers the latest military-industrial news in his unique style, including the official B21 Raider Stealth jet unveiling. The American war industry is looking forward to “multiyear authority” in Ukraine. Does that sound like they want peace or don’t want peace? #war #nuke #ukraine Russell Brand Russell Brand6.08M subscribers […]

Confirming what we at Uncensored suspected since the news broke earlier today… Today (Tuesday) marks the largest Russian bombardment of Ukraine with precision guided missiles and drones. The Ukrainian equivalent of the Pentagon reported was struck in Kiev. And Western media now is reporting frantically that Russia fired a missile […]

The following is a brief excerpt from a superb and extensive article via David Sorensen. Please share and sign up for this valuable resource. Spread the truth about Ukraine! Thanks to Jon Eisen for the link. The editor of one of Europes largest newspapers, Udo Ulfkotte, made a shocking confession. After […]

Well, we’re finally there: stocks are officially trading off nuclear war headlines. Tyler Durden – Zero Oct 28, 2022 Moments ago, as part of his closely-watched speech, Vladimir Putin appeared to talk down the likelihood of a nuclear attack in Ukraine: *PUTIN: NO POLITICAL, MILITARY REASON IN NUKE STRIKE […]

The west is advancing the claim that Putin is distributing Viagra to his soldiers so that they can more effectively rape Ukrainians, which was a ridiculous propaganda narrative the first time the west used it to manufacture consent for regime change in Libya. Note: Be sure to read my comments […]
