This is from a source whose information seems to have a track record of reliability: by Hal Turner I wrote yesterday that the hysteria around the “use of nuclear weapons by Moscow” scares me. Unfortunately, there are other indications that there may be something behind it. Not 100%. Still… (coming soon) would […]
Military and Defense
The attack on the Nord Stream system is not unprecedented. If this is a new topic, you haven’t been paying attention. I’ll run a backgrounder at a later point but for now raw news. – Orage Update 9/28 Bernard of Moon of Alabama has a treasure trove of clues Yesterday’s […]
More and more disturbing details are coming to light in connection with the bombing of the Nord stream pipeline in the Baltic Sea. Published: October 1, 2022, 8:47 am Free West Media The Arabic news channel Al Mayadeen reported that weeks before the attack, US helicopters were circling over the sea area […]
It’s not new and we’re seeing more of it currently, all blamed on so called natural ‘climate change’ but no we’ve had weaponized weather for a long time… without our consent of course. EWR From By Belle Carter The 1952 flash floods that struck the village of Lynmouth in England were […]
The subjects of Ukraine and UFOs seem to be converging like puzzle pieces clicking into place. The latest from the Mainstream via Live Science: Brandon SpecktorLIve ScienceFri, 16 Sep 2022 Astronomers observed dozens of objects that “cannot be scientifically identified.” The skies over Kyiv are swarming with unidentified flying objects […]
Back in 2012 I proposed a theory that China may have triggered the earthquake in Christchurch, using tectonic weaponry, (“HAARP” technology) timed to upset the TPPA trade conference being attended by high-ranking US delegates. It has since become common knowledge that the CCP does indeed possess HAARP technology and isn’t […]
I keep thinking this can’t be happening—that it must be some sort of nightmare I’ll wake up from soon. But I’ve already seen too much of DARPA’s doings and they are not going to stop. AUTHOR: Joyce Bowen Darpa, Military behind covid-vaccines [Graphene and Quantum Entanglement] Elon Musk and Neuralink. […]
Several years ago, I published a blog expressing the theory that the famous Kaikoura UFOs of 1978 were the result of an experiment in holographic imaging using plasma generated by ionospheric heating (“HAARP” technology). Recently while following up a potential connection with the more recent gun camera footage released by […]
Russia has launched sweeping military drills in the country’s east that involve forces from China – a show of increasingly close defence ties between Moscow and Beijing amid tensions with the West over the Kremlin’s invasion of Ukraine. The Vostok 2022 (East 2022) exercise is being held Sept. 1-7 in […]
Beneath the front-page news of Covid, Ukraine, and the economic depression (Collectively part of The Great Reset) something more sensational and troubling has been brewing. And it involves an alleged potential extra-terrestrial threat. We know it as Project Blue Beam, the “Last Card”. by Martin Harris 29/8/22 The ball started […]