A very serious development has taken place regarding ongoing hostilities in Ukraine. The Leader of the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR), Denis Pushilin (above), says the decision has been made to fight all the way to Lviv; there may not BE a “Ukraine” anymore. Hal Turner – The Hal Turner Show […]
Military and Defense
Western MSM says they are heroes. They claim to be divorced from their Neo-Nazi roots. What do Ukrainians think of Azov ? Watch and find out! MH Azov Battalion Truth – Mariupol People Speak! GrahamPhillips Published June 5, 2022 21,315 Views
Hypocrisy rules supreme. Could it be the New Normal? (Watch for blog soon on Ardern’s part in all this) MH Sott.netSun, 29 May 2022 US government leaders have called for tighter gun control measures in the wake of two major mass shootings in the space of two weeks. While authorities […]
Good rundown on what it all means in simple layman terms. As you can see from the Gravitas update, the Islands have rejected the CCP deal. Thank God. MH The Chinese Communist Party has long had its sights set on the Pacific. The natural resources, the shipping traffic and the […]
While everyone’s focused on the latest mass shooting in the US, The Washington Post published what may be the first major acknowledgement from the mainstream western media that Ukraine’s war against Russia has not been nearly the cakewalk they’ve been leading the public to believe. Caitlin Johnstonecaitlinjohnstone.substack.comFri, 27 May 2022 In a new article titled […]
Must watch testimony by a team of brave whistleblowers! The Film Archives The Film Archives346K subscribers William Edward Binney is a former intelligence official with the United States National Security Agency (NSA) and whistleblower. He retired on October 31, 2001, after more than 30 years with the agency.He was a […]
New US Military Intelligence recruitment video. At least I think that’s what it is. They illustrate lots of threats to the US in this video in some very strange and creative ways, but right now, I’m afraid their biggest threat is in the White House. China Admits It Owns Joe […]
The China Communist Party (CCP) Central Committee has issued a “National Mobilization Order” to switch China from peacetime to Wartime economy. This is now formal preparation to seize Taiwan and fight-off U.S. protection of that island. Audio from a Provincial government meeting in the Province of Guangdong was recorded, making […]
While China building mockups in the Gobi Desert and blowing them up is nothing new, considering the current escalations it pays to take heed, especially since I made the mistake of judging Russia’s military buildup at Ukraine’s border to be “Saber-Rattling”. Lesson learned! MH Taipei, May 13 (CNA) China appears […]
Nuclear threat level hasn’t been this high in decades, and with the military industrial complex investing heavily in nuke technologies on both sides of the conflict centred around Ukraine, the fear-meter is climbing. Russian broadcasters are hyping a nuclear tsunami-bomb threat. Since a tsunami-bomb has been in the works since […]