Strange coincidence isn’t it? The US Capitol sure looks like its under martial law amid voter fraud protest. And what happens in Myanmar ? hmmm… Here’s an update straight from the Myanmar Times: Myanmar to clarify voter fraud, hold new round of elections | The Myanmar Times ( Meanwhile, with […]

The sheep won’t find this content through the wafflefest Institution of (soft brain, fit-for-use) TV News. by G Squared Being ‘informed’ in the ‘Information Age’ [sic] is a proactive experience involving rational and critical thought. Pavlovian cliches, couched in syllogistic logic and ideological baggage are nauseous to us ‘conspiracy theorists’. The […]

Trump has never been one to back down, nor to be silenced. Despite the totalitarian social media bans, Trump will find a way. But the available tech has a sinister side. As you are all aware, the almighty lords of social media have attempted to silence Trump. The Technocratic Tyranny […]

Whistleblower Maria Zack makes extraordinary claims of Italian involvement via defense contractor Leonardo and Obama. Full original Press Release at this link: Microsoft Word – 2021-01-05 NIA IGG Italy Press Rel.docx ( Naturally the MSM is now in full damage/debunk control, so lets get the story moving… Bradley Johnson, a […]
