They knew protestors were coming. They knew a few troublemakers would be front-and-centre, yet there was so little resistance on the day. Now it seems the troublemakers had a little help from authority! MH Date: January 8, 2021 Author: Nwo Report Source: Joe Hoft Video has surfaced of Capitol police removing barriers holding […]
Whistleblower Maria Zack makes extraordinary claims of Italian involvement via defense contractor Leonardo and Obama. Full original Press Release at this link: Microsoft Word – 2021-01-05 NIA IGG Italy Press Rel.docx ( Naturally the MSM is now in full damage/debunk control, so lets get the story moving… Bradley Johnson, a […]
The China lockdown of 50 million citizens overnight was a key element in the long-standing plan to foist a fake pandemic on humanity. by Jon Rappoport January 6, 2021 That lockdown provided the model for the rest of the world. We are now in phase one of Lockdown Civilization. The […]
After some of his supporters stormed Congress, US President Donald Trump said they had been wronged and mistreated but should go home in peace and “remember this day forever,” as Facebook, Twitter and YouTube restricted his posts. RTWed, 06 Jan 2021 After some of his supporters stormed Congress, US President Donald […]
You’ve all no doubt heard President Trump’s message. And no doubt heard the many who claim he’s “just reading a script” or has “changed his tune”. But has he? by Martin Harris 8/1/21 Below is a portion of Trump’s Thanksgiving “conference”. What actually happened here was that Trump gave his […]
Trump predicted January 6 would be “wild” in Washington and he wasn’t wrong! Jacinda Ardern suggested Democracy should never be “undone by a mob” (probably she’d prefer it was undone by Communism under the radar, or by election fraud perhaps?)… And it appears that the perpetrators of the violence may […]
US Representative Tulsi Gabbard (D-Hawaii) is calling out her party for pushing through a new code of conduct that essentially denies women exist by requiring gender-neutral language in Congressional rules. RTTue, 05 Jan 2021 US Representative Tulsi Gabbard (D-Hawaii) is calling out her party for pushing through a new code […]
Prepare to be shocked. Dyed in Red: The sinister background of “Moderate” Kamala Harris, China’s American dream president Counterpunch With Trevor Loudon 18.2K subscribers Kamala Harris’ Maoist roots The media tells us that Senator Kamala Harris is a “moderate” pragmatic Democrat – though her voting record is to the left of […]
Just last month, PC Magazine advised Verizon phone users to turn off and/or disable 5G due to slow speed. In September, it was reported that AT&T’s 5G was slower than 4G in almost every city where it was tested. In 2019, there were reports of T-Mobile 5G phones overheating and catching fire. By B.N. Frank JANUARY 3, 2021 […]
An expert witness has told a San Francisco court that where fetal hearts are used in research they are harvested from living babies. via Pam Vernon, EWR The shocking evidence was given by Dr. Theresa Deisher on the last day of the preliminary hearing of charges against undercover journalists David […]