North Korean leader Kim Jong Un would allow his people to “eat grass” before he ever gives up his nuclear and missile defense programs, Russian President Vladimir Putin said Tuesday at a news conference in China. Kim and his military claimed to have tested a hydrogen bomb Sunday, the […]
The MSM is reporting these two earthquakes as “artificial” and as the result of nuclear testinThe US Geological Survey said it had recorded a 6.3 magnitude earthquake at noon Sunday local time, near North Korea’s known nuclear test site in the country’s northeast region. The quake was felt in northern […]
By Makia Freeman Contributing writer for Wake Up World Total Individual Control Technology is a type of EM (Electromagnetic) and V2K (Voice to Skull) mind-control technology that is being experimented with and deployed by the military industrial complex against segments of the American population. Total Individual Control Technology is the ultimate weapon of […]
Backing up what the Alternative Archaeology crowd have been saying for years, it seems humans have been around for many millions of years. The standard model of human evolution seems to be unravelling and it all seems to be realigning to the alternative theories that were being rubbished not so […]
Socialism: opiate of the masses by Jon Rappoport September 1, 2017 Let’s get something straight. There is no pure form of socialism, where “the government owns the means of production.” The means of production own the government, and vice versa. It’s always collusion. Elite power players stitch themselves together like […]
Friday, September 1. 2017. Day 9 of the drills, the manipulation of the jet-winds through ionospheric heating has been dropped due to the “unforseen” weather calamities in USA and above the Atlantic. The repercussions for the wather in Central and Eastern Europe are obvious from the video recording. From 23 […]
Sex Robots are becomingly realistic and acceptable, especially in Japan where they are even being paraded like real people in public places. In a country like Japan, with already sharply declining population, one wonders if any babies will be made at all, if everyone is procreating with machines…or is something […]
Not so long ago in a galaxy not very far away…. A planet divided: Two factions battle for control: The Republic Alliance and the Democratic Independant Union. But behind the scenes, a dark power is manipulating both sides to instigate an all-powerful New World Order…. Readers familiar with my blogs […]
PRESIDENT Donald Trump and Japanese prime minister Shinzo Abe have agreed time for dialogue with North Korea is now over following Pyongyang’s latest missile launch on Tuesday morning. By Will Kirby PUBLISHED: 07:27, Tue, Aug 29, 2017 | UPDATED: 08:05, Tue, Aug 29, 2017 Mr Abe denounced the launch as […]
Antony Sutton, Skull&Bones, Hitler, the Bush family by Jon Rappoport August 27, 2017 The prodigious author and researcher, Antony Sutton (1925-2002), wrote about hidden men behind momentous events. I recently came across a 1999 interview with Sutton, conducted by Kris Millegan, researcher and head of TrineDay publishers. Millegan wrote about […]