Well well well… Look who the Hawaii judge met with before ruling against Trump’s executive order! Full article here:  https://redstatewatcher.com/article.asp?id=68118 President Trump’s revised travel ban was put on hold Wednesday by U.S. District Court Judge Derrick Watson in Hawaii just hours before it was set to take effect after hearing […]

The future is going to be ridiculous. BEC CREW 27 FEB 2017 Scientists have figured out how to inject a conducting solution into a rose cutting, and have it spontaneously form wires throughout its stem, leaves, and petals to create fully functioning supercapacitors for energy storage. The so-called e-Plant was […]

Despite all the Climate Change propaganda, it seems certain that Antarctica is growing. https://www.nasa.gov/content/goddard/antarctic-sea-ice-reaches-new-record-maximum With the opposite pole, the facts are harder to discern. Is the Arctic ice growing also? https://www.telegraph.co.uk/science/2016/10/07/experts-said-arctic-sea-ice-would-melt-entirely-by-september-201/ Or is it shrinking ? https://www.theguardian.com/environment/climate-consensus-97-per-cent/2016/aug/22/historical-documents-reveal-arctic-sea-ice-is-disappearing-at-record-speed And why are the  elite taking so much interest in Antarctica? Is the […]

Almost half a century after United States B-52 bombers dropped more than 500,000 tonnes of explosives on Cambodia’s countryside Washington wants the country to repay a $US500 million ($662 million) war debt. The demand has prompted expressions of indignation and outrage from Cambodia’s capital, Phnom Penh. © Public Domain US Air Force […]
