For years, the Nord Stream pipelines have epitomized energy stability for Europe’s largest economy. Germany’s industries, households, and economic engine have heavily relied on the uninterrupted flow of Russian gas. However, overnight, a sudden and audacious disruption to this vital energy supply sent shockwaves across Germany, leaving it exposed and […]
MEP Anderson took no prisoners in her latest warning to the globalitarian elite. Vigilant NewsWed, 20 Sep 2023 Member of the European Parliament Christine Anderson has been an unyielding opponent to Klaus Schwab’s ‘Great Reset’ Agenda. Known best for her famous smackdown on Justin Trudeau, MEP Anderson has established herself as one of […]
Ukraine seems to have slipped from the news cycle here in New Zealand where forthcoming elections take centre-stage. We aren’t the only place where a change of government might just signal a change in the storyline. A very worried Zelensky is losing friends rapidly. Here’s some indications that “Article 88” […]
Former NZ PM Ardern Urges United Nations To ‘Crack Down On Free Speech As A Weapon Of War’ BY TYLER DURDEN THURSDAY, SEP 21, 2023 – 06:42 AM Authored by Jonathan Turley, Jacinda Ardern may no longer be Prime Minister of New Zealand, but she was back at the United […]
President Biden’s White House has told America’s news organizations — including CNN, the New York Times and Fox News — to “ramp up their scrutiny” of House Republicans “for opening an impeachment inquiry based on lies.” Melissa Koenig and Steven NelsonNew York PostWed, 13 Sep 2023 © AFP via Getty […]
“And the word “courage” should be reserved to characterize the man or woman who leaves the infantile sanctuary of the mass mind.” Sam Keen, Fire in the Belly By In the privacy of our minds many of us disagree with the ideologies, political agendas, and government mandates of our […]
As the world remembers the collapse of the WTC back in 9/11 2001, and regardless of what you believe about who was responsible or how and why, we also remember Trump’s uncanny “prediction” that hints at reality being not quite what it seems. How did he know? (A while back […]
Its Groundhog Day! Reality is broken. We’re reliving 2016 all over again. Time to reset and move on. And that depends on all of us learning from the past. If you’re my age you may remember that cute movie where the egotistical weatherman was trapped in a simulated reality (aren’t […]
Trump has gone full “anti-mandate”. And this is why his popularity never wanes. He reads the room. Battle lines are being drawn between those who will gladly comply with Covid 2.0 and those who will resist. Watch and listen as Trump makes it clear where he stands. “We will not […]
Hawaii aftermath has resulted in a lot of videos both new and old being recommended unsolicited to the feeds of many interested parties, myself among them. More than one commenter in the YT community has wondered if we finally have a friend on the inside at YouTube? Martin CRAZY VIDEO! […]