It’s a mark of civilized people that they keep and honour their old things. When the things are broken, they put the pieces back together again. John HelmerDances With BearsThu, 14 Apr 2022 In the 19th century rural Americans of northeast states like Pennsylvania did this with their old tablecloths, dresses, […]
“is the United States and possibly NATO involved in the funding, training and political support of neo-Nazi elements in Ukraine and if so, for what purpose?” Cynthia ChungThrough a Glass DarklyWed, 06 Apr 2022 In part 1 of this series Fact Checking the Fact Checkers, the question was posed “why does […]
– Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix by Caitlin Johnson via ❖ The most powerful empire that has ever existed, which is circling the planet with hundreds of military bases and continuously works to destroy any nation who challenges its global dominion, claims that it is in […]
What Have They Done to Our Children? by Lushington D. Brady 8 April, 2022 Source: The BFD From the earliest days of the pandemic, I noted a curious and deplorable phenomenon: the young were being sacrificed to save almost solely the very, very old. I called it “the Moloch Option”. Not long after, […]
President Barack Obama has sent out a tweet in support of his former vice president amid reports of tension between the pair during an “awkward” White House event held on Tuesday. Sky News Australia Every now and then they bring the puppeteer out from behind the curtain. Just reminds us […]
Ukraine having no functioning airstrips: a helicopter flew in and dropped an incendiary on the Russian refinery at Belgorod. No one was injured. The fire was extinguished. Minimal damage. Hardly an issue of any military of even strategic significance. By G Squared The acting Ukraine Administration advised it is not aware […]
If this were anyone else, there’d probably be an arrest warrant imminent. MH Forbes Breaking News1.26M subscribers On the Senate floor, Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) displayed alleged business records of Hunter Biden.
“in a situation where the financial system of Western countries is used as a weapon, when companies from these states refuse to fulfill contracts with Russian banks, enterprises, individuals, when assets in dollars and euros are frozen, it makes no sense to use the currencies of these countries.” Vladimir Putin […]
Biden Inc’s Fingers in More Pies. by Lushington D. Brady The BFD 31 March, 2022 Hey, folks — ready to take another slippery-slide down the rabbit hole? When I reported on the Byzantine web of dark money, shady military-industrial labs and dodgy NGOs linking the astonishing network of U.S.-run bioweapons labs in the Ukraine […]
Both Putin and Xi hold back hawk factions that would have America and its sycophants; who have survived long overdue retribution, breathing radioactive dust indefinitely. Opinion by G Squared Biden has now advised (remember he almost reads prepared scripts, and he has been wearing an earpiece from Trump debate days) […]