Six degrees of separation? With the Elite and the Mainstream Media it seems considerably less! Yes, Gavin Newsome, Is Nancy Pelosi’s Nephew. And Yes, Adam Schiff’s Sister Is Married To George Soros Son. And Yes, John Kerry’s only child, Daughter, Is Married To A “Mullah’s Son In Iran………… And remember […]
His name is often mentioned, but we’re frequently asked who he actually is and what is his agenda? This article sums things up rather well. MH Hide Out Now – Nov 30, 2019 George Soros has financed abortion on demand, legalization of drugs, and more recently, district attorney races in […]
Two weeks out from Brexit here comes the Muslim-with-a-fake-suicide-vest-and-knife routine. What’s a known terrorist doing wandering the streets of London with electronic monitoring anyhow? Didn’t stop him did it? by Martin Harris 1/12/19 The man shot by police on London Bridge has died at the scene, Britain’s top counter-terrorism officer […]
In 2014 the majority of The Scottish People voted in a referendum to remain in The UK. It was not a test vote for the minority represented by The SNP, to obstruct that mandatory decision by The People, and press for another Referendum in 2020, to see if the majority […]
Almost in the “Too good to be true” category. I remain cautious, but optimistic. MH Hong Kong (CNN) Pro-democracy candidates appear to have made major gains in Hong Kong’s district council elections, as early results trickled in Monday morning, with multiple high-profile pro-government figures losing their seats. More than 2.9 […]
Another one gone: The net closes in! MH Shane TrejoBig Leauge PoliticsThu, 21 Nov 2019 23:03 UTC The rabbit hole goes deep. Steven Robert Setzer, a former U.S. Marine Corps pilot who once escorted former President Bill Clinton on the crew of the Marine One, is facing years in prison […]
1080 poison stance illustrates the opposing agendas within the current NZ coalition government. And highlights something bigger in the Geopolitical scene! By Martin Harris Great news, one should think, that NZ First has launched a $3.5 million initiative to reduce the use of 1080 and replace with more species specific […]
“As one falls, two more will take their place.” Democracy does die in darkness and is being strangled in secret, back-door arrangements” In the third part of Glenn’s special series on the REAL Ukraine scandal, the team’s research exposes a much bigger story of what Democrats were doing in Ukraine. […]
Since both Cameron and May are Deep State fronting Remainers, They handed the file to Corbyn in 2017, after destroying the Conservative ability to deliver Brexit. On the basis that Brexit had to somehow be approved after the Referendum result. Which is a lie. by G Squared 16/11/19 Westminster has no authority […]
So it begins. While millions of Americans tuned in, I didn’t watch the first impeachment showdown, and neither did Trump. Opinion by Martin Harris 14/11/19 The fact that the man at the center of this inquiry didn’t bother to watch the proceedings tells much. The little segment shown on NZ […]