Red Heifers are big news in Judeo-Christian fundamentalist circles right now. In fact there’s a considerable amount drooling enthusiasm about the thought of ushering in Armageddon. For a couple of weeks its all been under the radar via alt. media, but now its breaking into the mainstream news as this […]

Denials are flooding out from “experts” and weather mod companies alike (its “safe and effective”). Yet both China and Dubai openly boast of using cloud seeding to modify the weather. Naturally the finger is pointed at that catch-all boogeyman, climate change. What do you think? MH © Christopher Pike/Bloomberg via […]

China, Russia, and Iran: All as predicted and planned in the latest war theatre. So predictable in fact that was even a strategy game about it. MH China supporting Russia in massive military expansion, US says AFP – Apr 12, 2024 China is helping Russia undertake its biggest military expansion […]

The promised Iranian retaliation for the Israeli attack on Tehran’s consulate in Damascus is likely in the next 24-48 hours, anonymous US officials told Bloomberg on Wednesday. RTWed, 10 Apr 2024 © Morteza Nikoubazl/NurPhoto/Getty Images 3D models of Iranian missiles and a drone are being placed under an anti-Israeli placard […]
