Well, we’re finally there: stocks are officially trading off nuclear war headlines. Tyler Durden – Zero Hedge.com Oct 28, 2022 Moments ago, as part of his closely-watched speech, Vladimir Putin appeared to talk down the likelihood of a nuclear attack in Ukraine: *PUTIN: NO POLITICAL, MILITARY REASON IN NUKE STRIKE […]

The west is advancing the claim that Putin is distributing Viagra to his soldiers so that they can more effectively rape Ukrainians, which was a ridiculous propaganda narrative the first time the west used it to manufacture consent for regime change in Libya. Note: Be sure to read my comments […]

This is from a source whose information seems to have a track record of reliability: by Hal Turner I wrote yesterday that the hysteria around the “use of nuclear weapons by Moscow” scares me. Unfortunately, there are other indications that there may be something behind it. Not 100%. Still… (coming soon)https://t.me/craZybear2022/18779https://stopbioweapons.org/imper/328-snbo-ukrainy-i-nato-gotovjat-jadernuju-provokaciju-dlja-obvinenija-rossii.htmlI would […]

Is this explosive alleged RAND document on the “suiciding” of Germany real or a hoax? Read the article, view the PDF in the link and form your own conclusions. MH by David Chu for the Saker blog Well that’s the real question, isn’t it? Why? The how and the who […]

Flights abroad sell out following Putin’s partial mobilization. Air Live – Sept 21, 2022 Russian airlines have stopped selling tickets to Russian men aged 18 to 65 unless they can provide evidence of approval to travel from the Ministry of Defense. All flights from Russia to available foreign destinations were […]
