The West is seriously underestimating the risk of nuclear war, a top Vladimir Putin aide has warned. Namita Singh – The Independent May 27, 2023 Dmitry Medvedev, who is Russia’s security council deputy chairman, alleged the West was “not fully realising” the threat of nuclear war. Russia has repeatedly accused the West of […]

War has never been closer. Well researched and intelligently presented. You may not agree with everything Moon says, but we think he’s in the ballpark. MH Some of the footage in the presentation above may look familiar. Here’s Killing Joke with a prophetic punk anthem from 1981. “The food […]

New Zealand readers who can stomach watching the TV news reports will have seen an item claiming that “Ukraine needs more ammunition” along with footage and interviews of Ukrainian artillerymen firing off shells into undisclosed targets. What you were NOT shown is where those shells were aimed and who they […]

By now, everyone has heard the news that the ICC wants Putin to answer for his heinous war crimes. The reason given for his summons? He helped relocate children from the Donbass to Russia and put the orphans up for adoption with church families. Rolo Slavskiy – Slavland Chronicles March […]

At the link below you should read what must surely be the most comprehensive and well-presented expose of the Ukraine situation you will ever see. Well worth your time to view and share with anyone open-minded enough. CRITICAL INFORMATION The following report about Ukraine contains critical information that all of […]

The State Department is urging any Americans who are in Russia to leave immediately, citing an elevated risk of arbitrary arrest by Russian security officials amid a more general warning of “unpredictable consequences” stemming from the Ukraine war and the “possibility of terrorism.” Tom Ozimek – The Epoch Times Feb 13, 2023 […]

Interesting how rapidly they made a U-Turn and portray the Ukraine military as heroes, is it not? Here’s Time Magazine, a mere two years ago: Here’s the almighty BBC 8 years back: Aug 9, 2022 CBS aired this documentary about U.S. weapons getting lost in the Ukraine a few days […]

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky signed into law a controversial statute expanding the government’s power to regulate media groups and journalists in the country. Brad Dress – The Hill, Yahoo News Jan 2, 2023 Zelensky signed the legislation on Thursday over the objections of media unions and press freedom organizations that warned it […]
