Parliament has approved the new austerity package. . Article
Complimentary review copy of Meme Wars: The Creative Deconstruction of Neoclassical Economics . Dear economists, ecologists, heterodox thinkers, . Occupy Wall Street created a fissure in the global consciousness. Now it’s time to throw an economic mindbomb into the chasm. Meme Wars: The Creative Destruction of Neoclassical Economics, by Kalle […]
So Iceland decided not to follow the rest of the world by bailing out the bankers. Instead, they chose to arrest them. Now their economy is recovering faster than the EU and the United States … Hmmmm. . Read the rest here
[ well … one man’s take on it anyway ] [youtube]1I_U254YHa4[/youtube]
Pro-independence parties are now at the helm in Spain’s Basque Country, while elections in Catalonia could bring about even more separatist forces to the forefront. But it’s Scotland that’s at the top of the breakaway trend now, as it has a real chance to go it alone. That’s after London […]
Faces of American children of the twentieth century. . Gallery
[youtube]tgYbFjmtCAU[/youtube] [youtube]W1F34ajO0GA[/youtube]
In Vietnam, Agent Orange was dropped by the US to poison a foreign population. In Iraq and the former Yugoslavia, depleted uranium was used. In Western countries, things are a bit more complicated because various states have tended to avoid using direct forms of physical violence to quell their own […]
Mosireen is a non-profit media collective in Downtown Cairo born out of the explosion of citizen media and cultural activism in Egypt during the revolution. Armed with mobile phones and cameras, thousands upon thousands of citizens kept the balance of truth in their country by recording events as they happened […]