” … it’s been branded as a trade agreement but really it is enforceable corporate global government ~ it’s only gotten this far because it’s been secret.” Get ready for your enslavement, New Zealand … [youtube]6HOjIw8g7p8[/youtube]
As the economic and financial systems of the world rapidly approach the real possibility of total collapse, signs of what we can expect on a mass scale in the near future are beginning to appear throughout Europe. In Spain, a country that just a few years ago was heralded as […]
With any move made by the globalist controllers and their surrogates of the Anglo-American NATO strong arm, it is safe to assume that there is rarely only one reason for the implementation of any given plan. Thus, the wars of conquest and aggression raging in the Middle East, “Eurasia,” and […]
Anyone still totally missing the point can still reference The Book : The Film: [youtube]Z4rBDUJTnNU[/youtube] The T-Shirt : … and still be completely and absolutely fully – creeped – out.
“You’ve got 3 minutes left. Give it your best shot…” [youtube]CaXNqGgIc-g[/youtube] If you haven’t seen this yet – it’s well worth a watch [youtube]TqWHP7OuAj4[/youtube]
Grayson v. Alvarez – Audit the Fed Congressional Hearings Stop. Seriously. Watch this now. [youtube]mXmNpdYpfnk[/youtube] “I would like to know whether it is within the Federal Reserve’s legal authority to try to manipulate the stock market or the futures market.” By far the most entertaining and cogent portion from today’s […]
Swedish film maker and journalist whose documentary Bananas led to him being sued for defamation by Dole, a story he tells in his new film, Big Boys Gone Banana Audio : Video : [youtube]9RlNopfAV-o[/youtube]
VANCOUVER ~ For approximately three years, our governments, the banking cabal, and the Corporate Media have assured us that they knew the appropriate approach for fixing the economies that they had previously crippled with their own mismanagement. We were told that the key was to stomp on the Little […]
Mainstream media is very persistent on missing some very important subjects – this time the Trans-Pacific partnership has been neglected by them. While the Obama administration boasts about the trade benefits that come with a closer partnership with the nations of the Pacific rim, others are not as eager to […]
[ Not many people know that. ] Senator Ron Paul, author of the legislation called Federal Reserve Transparency Act of 2012 (HR459) that will subject Ben Bernanke and the privately-owned Federal Reserve Bank to a monetary audit policy has seen much support from his peers on Capitol Hill. The […]