Once booming, Nevada’s economy has tanked since last time presidential race visited. In Nevada, people could once buy homes and feed their families with money earned from free-spending tourists who flocked to Sin City for relaxed gambling and liquor laws. But things have changed dramatically in the four years since […]
I’ve gotten to the point where I cringe whenever I hear the word ‘war’. Even when it’s used to seemingly combat something noble sounding such as the war on poverty or the war on hunger. It’s become apparent that all wars cause damage no matter if it’s a figurative war […]
Woolworths New Zealand’s underlying profit margins have increased much faster than the cost of food for the past three years. Australian-owned Woolworths, which operates Countdown supermarkets locally, said the results were due to improved efficiency, but the Green Party said an investigation into supermarket pricing is overdue and the industry […]
An embarrassing blunder has revealed the Government’s original intention to keep a crucial Treaty of Waitangi clause out of legislation required for state asset sales. The information appeared in the draft of a key document that appeared on the Treasury’s website yesterday for a few minutes before it was taken […]
[ Please ignore the ad designed to make people join the Navy that’s been tacked on to the front of this ] Video
[ nice to see that some still currently have electricity ] Article
[ Nolan’s last chunk of his so-far excellent trilogy looks to be quite thematically interesting ] [youtube]9R6zD8VcQTQ[/youtube]
Although most of us tend to have more “things” than we need, there is often a temptation to hang onto things well beyond their naturally depleted usefulness. A quick survey of what goes into people’s rental storage units is a fine example. Often, the goods stored in these rental units […]
[ Great if you haven’t seen it ] [youtube]5odRIK28TWU[/youtube]
The financial world seems to have adopted the idea that things will somehow work themselves out in Europe. I don’t know if it’s because people don’t like to think about negative things or if someone sent out a memo to everyone that math doesn’t exist or count in Europe, but […]