Commander of Iran’s Basij Force says it is ready to deploy peacekeeper forces in London as the unrest in the British capital drags on despite tightened security measures. “The Ashura brigades of Basij forces are ready to be deployed to London as peacekeeping forces,” Brigadier General Mohammad-Reza Naqdi said on […]
The arrogant psychopathic elite, aka the new world order, have made numerous mistakes down-the-years whilst designing their global debt-farm manufacturing process, but the masses, unfortunately, have failed to ‘wake up’ in time before ‘they’ had thought-up the unthinkable and implemented yet another horrendous strategy. The elite/parasites, in the past, have […]
You cannot fix a dysfunctional monetary system that is built on a fraudulent premise by simply increasing the degree of the crime. The impossibly wealthy families who desire one-world governance will stop at nothing – including the use of force – to complete their centuries-long mission. But arrogantly, they will […]
Read all about it here
Dylan Ratigan’s Network Moment (Aug. 9, 2011) lasts about 3 minutes & should be seen by everyone. Do NOT skip this. This is the complete clip. The action begins at 3:44. Transcript is below. [youtube]gIcqb9hHQ3E[/youtube] Further commentary on this clip from Dylan is HERE. We’ve got a real problem … […]
Simon Dixon asks member of the European Parliament and economist Sven Giegol. One of those rare moments where an economists admits that there is no justification for the privatisation of money creation. [youtube]mQ3iLLsOhas[/youtube]
” Bankrupt Nations Scramble To Bailout Other Bankrupt Nations “ [ I think this guy used to be Fred Dagg ] [youtube]thSTpGnWEAs[/youtube]
Many fellow citizens in the U.S. are concerned about the fate of Somalis back home. Mukhtar Ahmed lives in Louisville, Kentucky and he’s from the southern Somalia where the famine is hitting extremely hard. [youtube]4TqvY0i_i2Q[/youtube]
The leader of the Cochabamba water-rights revolt [ successful ] asks about the dangers of corporate privatization. [youtube]rkuqgFPG-9E[/youtube]
Our media is mired in cynicism, regardless of the label of mainstream or alternative. Sadly, it is what seems to drive the news. People flock to the latest disaster, scenario of hopelessness, or individual story that proves things can get so much worse for us . . . personally. The […]