[ Maps courtesy of the IMfuckingF ] [youtube]lntNYsw7Fc0[/youtube]
To some of you this will be totally elementary, but it’s still good to get a refresh. Via a Deutsche Bank report, here’s a breakdown of bank revenues based on the industry average. Obviously, the biggest source of income is Net Interest Income. Here’s Deutsche’s definition: The largest component of […]
John Brynjolfsson, chief investment officer at Armored Wolf LLC, talks about Federal Reserve monetary policy and its impact on the bond, commodities, housing and labor markets. Brynjolfsson speaks with Carol Massar and Matt Miller on Bloomberg Television’s “Street Smart.” (Source: Bloomberg)
My favourite scene from Good Will Hunting and pertinent to the principles of liberty in its condemnation of killing people abroad who have done no harm to you personally. [youtube]l8rQNdBmPek[/youtube] Taken to it’s logical conclusion this belief should lead anybody who holds it to a pure libertarian position; though most […]
[ Clever AND funny ] [youtube]NOzR3UAyXao[/youtube]
April 26 (Bloomberg) – A growing number of high-end homes are selling at a loss or facing repossession by lenders in Las Vegas, which already has the highest rate of foreclosure filings among large U.S. cities. The wave of defaults that began with subprime borrowers and the unemployed has […]
[youtube]jgNjiHBYmx8[/youtube] [youtube]kwZtf-qe1xE[/youtube] [youtube]hCdE3BFHruU[/youtube]