Germany’s highest civil court has ruled that Deutsche Bank should have warned its customers of the risks of an exotic investment product it sold in the run-up to the financial crisis. Deutsche Bank headquarters in Frankfurt The landmark ruling has huge implications for the banking industry and could unleash a wave […]
[youtube]B_mUf35DlLM[/youtube] [youtube]dXafL0D9QtY[/youtube] [youtube]hZ3EMjxrYPY[/youtube]
If you make your living by building or selling new homes in the United States, you might want to consider taking up a different career for a while. New homes sales in the United States hit yet another new all-time record low in the month of February, and there are […]
Adrian Severin, one of the guilty, presented an invoice for payment of his bribe. These are pretty shocking revelations. But the most telling quote in the Sunday Times expose comes from Adrian Severin, “I didn’t do anything that was, let’s say, illegal or against any normal behaviour we have here.” […]
[youtube]ainyK6fXku0[/youtube] RICH BRO / POOR BRO [youtube]_aTTZGLdd6s[/youtube] Wall St [youtube]Ko9eMLn0qSk[/youtube]
With the economy sliding deeper into a recession, panelists discuss whether it’s time to stop throwing our money into a massive pit out in the desert. [youtube]JnX-D4kkPOQ[/youtube] From the news satire show ‘The Onion’
Bottom line: After WW I, Britain broke the Muslim world into a number of arbitrary and highly corrupt (and easily controlled) states. The better to extract their oil from. Post WW II, the US took over the deal. [ … because everyone else lost WW II ] Everyone knows that […]
Yes, these clips look infantile, but stupid this one is not. From the creator of QE2 for dummies… Paulson, Geithner, AIG, Goldman, Bernanke and more. [youtube]yipV_pK6HXw[/youtube]