“This is not the end of the story, but is just the beginning. The good people of the United States of America, the true patriots, have finally seen you with your media-painted masks ripped off. They have seen what comes to pass when hate, venom, ignorance and violence goes unchecked […]
There is a long history of American tax dollars being used to help people get rich off of illicit drug sales. RT’s Ramon Galindo talked to one of America’s largest drug kingpins and shows us how Los Angeles has been unable to shake the demons of its addiction.
[ … for your Oscar consideration. ] [youtube]QdYfxEF_lH4[/youtube] [youtube]O5YzXVJFQAE[/youtube] [youtube]VUW0iJy7NoY[/youtube]
The AMERICAN DREAM is a 30 minute animated film that shows you how you’ve been scammed by the most basic elements of our government system. All of us Americans strive for the American Dream, and this film shows you why your dream is getting farther and farther away. Disclose.tv – […]
Do you think the simultaneous collapse of national economies all over the world is a coincidence or accident? If could be. Then again it could be controlled demolition for profit. Must viewing from Real Econ TV. Video: https://www.realecontv.com/page/903.html – Brasscheck
Air strikes, drone and cruise missile attacks, special forces operations, helicopter gunship raids, counterinsurgency campaigns, multinational armed interventions, cluster bomb and depleted uranium weapons use, and the entire panoply of military actions associated with the Afghanistan-Pakistan war are already being conducted in Africa and will only be increased. Read the […]
Unintended consequences… As you probably know, hundreds of millions of dollars are spent every year to put fluoride in US water supplies. Fluoride is an industrial by-product that cannot be disposed of economically. It’s simply too toxic. So what did corporate scientists-for-hire do? They invented science to tell us that […]
[youtube]sJnu4p_1bzI[/youtube] For Europe, it was a year when the cash ran out in some countries. But one thing that wasn’t in short supply was the number of angry protestors. As governments severely cut back on budgets, hundreds of thousands of people lashed out in response.
Rense.com Author Unknown 12-17-10 The United States is rapidly becoming the very first “post-industrial” nation on the globe. All great economic empires eventually become fat and lazy and squander the great wealth that their forefathers have left them, but the pace at which America is accomplishing this is absolutely amazing. It was […]