South West Asia
[ An astounding little blit-vert from England’s Parliament ] [youtube]qMGuYjt6CP8[/youtube]
” It’s essentially the same sort of war … … fighting people who are mainly motivated by the determination to expel foreign invaders from their country “ [youtube]uy8j-q0vc7Q[/youtube] [youtube]I9YUBOUmfmM[/youtube] [youtube]FtFVfIUcXtw[/youtube] [youtube]Rt31LnQWDp8[/youtube]
[youtube]wEJa-byIVsU[/youtube] [youtube]5aQtnVnlncM[/youtube] [youtube]jGlnsIW3zJk[/youtube]
Christopher King argues that beneath Israel’s litany of crimes against the Palestinians, and most recently its murder of humanitarian workers aboard the Gaza-bound international aid flotilla, lies the fact of its own illegality.
The United States conspired with a foreign nation to attack Americans in international waters. There is no higher treason by any definition of the word. [youtube]HS0QrdfVYX8[/youtube] h / t : What really happened.com