More Must-Watch Documentaries Than You Can Shake A Stick At The documentaries below reveal the parts of reality that we are not supposed to talk about; the parts of reality that contradict common sense, but still go on unquestioned by the global media cartel and unanswered by our governments. Spread […]
South West Asia
Back when the distant ancestors of rich fucks were busily getting other people [ through force ] to pop lots of stones on top of each other somewhere in the Fertile Crescent Valley – – so that they just might might then beam their dying spirit to some particular star […]
What the US needs in 2010 more than anything else is a wake up call. Trillion dollar Wall Street handouts; endless and ever expanding wars; and civil liberties under attack more than ever. And millions still think Barack Obama is going to save them. The roots of a delusion. Video: […]
Source A non-US-citizen celebrates an attack on the CIA, and asks why Americans tolerate occupation. A foreign friend of mine, who must remain nameless here, recently contacted me to wish me a happy New Year and to celebrate the martyrdom operation in Afghanistan that claimed the lives of eight CIA […]
[ C.S.I. meets -High- -Drama- meets Professional Wrestling meets Navy S.E.A.L.S. meets -Gritty- -Questions- meets Robert Downey Jr. From Natural Born Killers. Episode II of a series ] [youtube]Tkio6TF0Ufg[/youtube] [youtube]M8490zVpDBs[/youtube] [youtube]s48kHu-zDhE[/youtube] [youtube]ZNQYuV4nqjI[/youtube]
[ yeah this -week- ] [ it’s worth remembering that the eight year old editorial choices of the -London Times- were one of the major reasons that we soon found ourselves in a war in the first place ]
[ Happier New Year ! 🙂 ] The Internet revolution has changed the face of our planet. Over the last 20 years there’s been a complete transformation of the way we live, conduct business, and share information. In the same amount of time, information technology has helped bring countless atrocities […]
[ This rant ended up flicking a lightening rod in it’s own comments section – due in no small part to an abusive young Ivan from Godzone. These testy ‘back and forths’ can often be an edifying appendage for the articles that they follow ] [ … and it’s […]
International Campaign in Support of the Gaza Freedom March: Hundreds of Unison Actions Assembled around the World By Code Pink December 27, 2009 ” — A massive mobilization between December 27, 2009 and January 1, 2010 with candlelight vigils, concerts, marches, demonstrations, art installations and movie screenings will assemble all […]