The Arts
Alan Moore is an English writer primarily known for his work in graphic novels, a medium where he has produced a number of critically acclaimed and popular series, including Watchmen, V for Vendetta, and From Hell.[5] [ From ‘From Hell’ ] Frequently described as the best comic writer in history,[6](p10)[7](p7) […]
[ One of the creative minds behind ‘Pulp Fiction’ tackled Brett Easton Ellis’ second novel about life at an elite college – and it made for some interesting filmery ] [youtube]EsgcsPW34VE[/youtube] [youtube]E6EPa9Fw3Lk[/youtube] [youtube]nDkAQ7d1D90[/youtube] [youtube]3GAwi34vHyQ[/youtube] [ Stupid girl … ] [youtube]DRkAewOCHFQ[/youtube]
Researcher and independent filmmaker Paul Verge of DivergentFilms.com joins The Corbett Report to discuss his research, his films, [ such as the excellent ‘Hijacking Humanity’ ] and how others can get involved in the process of creating non-commercial, rational, fear-free independent films. [youtube]aV_rOqaGGKs[/youtube] [youtube]lqjDsglL_zA[/youtube] [youtube]cAn83Lhuc4E[/youtube]
[youtube]ZhTtaS3QFmU[/youtube] [youtube]L3pXRNp6nV8[/youtube]
Man, we had to literally fight all day to get this one past the YouTube censors I’m not sure how long it will stay up. This is the only video on the Internet that makes the case that John Lennon was assassinated … and presents the relevant evidence in less […]
It is no surprise that a documentary film that reveals the idiocy and hostility of mainstream media would be trashed by, you guessed it, mainstream media, including (at least this time) The New York Times’ cultural section. If you want to get a good introduction as to what is happening […]