Alan Moore is an English writer primarily known for his work in graphic novels, a medium where he has produced a number of critically acclaimed and popular series, including Watchmen, V for Vendetta, and From Hell.[5] [ From ‘From Hell’ ] Frequently described as the best comic writer in history,[6](p10)[7](p7) […]


[ One of the creative minds behind ‘Pulp Fiction’ tackled Brett Easton Ellis’ second novel about life at an elite college – and it made for some interesting filmery ] [youtube]EsgcsPW34VE[/youtube] [youtube]E6EPa9Fw3Lk[/youtube] [youtube]nDkAQ7d1D90[/youtube] [youtube]3GAwi34vHyQ[/youtube] [ Stupid girl … ] [youtube]DRkAewOCHFQ[/youtube]
