Editor’s comment: Here comes the next destabalising, fear inducing “pandemic” and the consequent big spendup on new unproven vaccines and the “anti viral” drugs. Read this and ask yourself whether or not there’s something really weird going on here. I mean, in light of the “recreation” of the 1918 Spanish […]
Source: wanttoknow.info Dear friends, Below are one paragraph excerpts of important news stories you may have missed. Links are provided to the original sources. If any link fails to function, click here. By choosing to educate ourselves and to spread the word, we can and will build a brighter future.
Click here to read the full story GM crop ‘ruins fields for 15 years’ By Geoffrey Lean, Environment Editor Published: 09 October 2005 GM crops contaminate the countryside for up to 15 years after they have been harvested, startling new government research shows. The findings cast a cloud over the […]
Source axisoflogic.com Peace march coincidences By Special Report October 5, 2005 There was a big peace demonstration in Washington on September 24, accompanied by the usual coincidences: