Musk’s epic interview with an ill-prepared BBC interviewer analyzed by Dr. John Campbell. If you haven’t seen the interview, it’s a “must watch”. Mr Musk interview Dr. John Campbell 2.75M subscribers Elon Musk accuses BBC of covering up vaccine side effects… Full interview… Mr. Musk: Does the BBC […]
No surprises there really, since it has been proven that masks were a waste of time everywhere else. And yet, in the face of all this overwhelming evidence, NZ’s Ministry of Health continues to promote masks and a surprising number of uninformed people still wear them in public. Amazing what […]
Silenced Documentary Reveals Media, Medical and Academic Censorship in NZ Important note: The documentary appears to have been removed from the source, but an alternative source is available here: (Thanks Richard for your vigilance on this, and I will follow up and update as necessary). 7th April, 2023. From Aly Cook […]
Beyond brilliant! Should be compulsory viewing in every school. Spoiler: you will get to see an animated Klaus Schwab. Watch his eyes 😉 249,362 views Mar 2, 2023 A 3D animated short film about not too distant but a dystopian future. It speculates on the potential consequences of the infamous […]
Is this what PCR tests are really all about? DNA collection for a profiled bioweapon? China’s New ‘Ethnic Specific’ Bio-Weapons Target Specific Races Based on DNA Facts Matter with Roman B Martin comments: Did you notice the one thing they dodged with regards DNA collection in the video above? The […]
…and the cowards all leave the room! But one brave man is all it takes…BE SURE TO SIGN THE PETITION PLEASE UK Parliament Dr. John Campbell 2.73M subscribers SIGN THE PETITION “JUSTICE FOR ANDREW BRIDGEN” Petition · Justice for Andrew Bridgen! · Share widely please.
Far and away the most common question I get from those who took one of the COVID-19 vaccines is: “how do I get this out of my body.” By Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH The mRNA and adenoviral DNA products were rolled out with no idea on how or when […]
Karl Lauterbach is Germany’s Federal Minister of Health. Yesterday, (13 March)he dropped a bombshell on Germans in an interview. It has been posted on YouTube with English subtitles. Dr. Byram W. Bridleviralimmunologist.substack.comTue, 14 Mar 2023 You can find the video here (start: 3:54; end:15:17 [interview with minister of health starts at 8:07). […]
While crickets chirped, the bus just ran over Fauci Robert W Malone MD, MS Mar 10 Yesterday, we witnessed the ex-director of the CDC, under oath, directly blame Dr. Fauci and the US Government for the deaths of millions of people. However, if you went to the headlines of Google […]
“When do we deploy the next variant? We frighten the pants of everyone.” These are the exact words of former Secretary of State for Health and Social Care of the United Kingdom, Matt Hancock. He was communicating with Damon Poole, Department of Health Media Special Adviser. See screenshots of WhatsApp messages […]