Medical tyranny of the WORST kind in CA! Madman Pan, who is a liar and a paid pharma troll, should be prosecuted and locked up for his crimes, abuses of power, and conflicts of interest! NEXT he will be pushing for ALL adults to be vaccinated (for shingles, flu, and […]
Scratched my head over this one and what the agenda might be. Then I spied the reference to vaccines: “Follow The Money”. Yes, they want to vaccinate your cat on the flimsy and rather preposterous pretext that your pussy is a dolphin killer. NIWA’s already shaky credibility just took a […]
While the number of measles cases might be accurate, there is an obvious worldwide orchestrated agenda at work. Does the Measles really spontaneously “beak out” in various locations around the world all at the same time? Does the virus have some sort of psychic co-ordination? And what of the cases […]
While correlation isn’t necessarily causation, there’s surely something here that needs investigation: Kristina KristenChildren’s Health DefenseTue, 23 Apr 2019 00:01 UTC In the United States, many legislators and public health officials are busy trying to make vaccines de facto compulsory – either by removing parental/personal choice given by existing vaccine […]
Woe unto ye O Christchurch! There is an epidemic afoot: A rampant outbreak of The Measles. A total of 28, yes, 28 souls have the Measles. A couple of days back there were 28 confirmed cases and today there are still 28 cases, despite TVNZ’s claim today that the figure […]
Who would have ‘thunk’ it: a routine international traveler’s vaccination apparently delivered organ failure to renowned cancer expert Martin Gore, 67, who took the Yellow Fever vaccine. By Catherine J. Frompovich Can we equate Dr. Gore’s sudden death with what infants often experience after receiving vaccines, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome […]
Representative-elect Mark Green (R) (Tennessee) (twitter and twitter news) pledges to investigate claims that the CDC is fraudulently managing the vaccine-damage data they collect. This story is a developing. by Jon Rappoport December 13, 2018 In light of this development, I am re-posting this article of mine from July 2015. […]
Parents, legal guardians, pediatricians, family doctors, local school boards, state health agencies and specifically the States of California, Mississippi and West Virginia, must take notice what the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have posted onto their Vaccine Information Statements MMR VIS dated February 12, 2018, but no […]
How safe is vaccination? “To hear it from proponents of the vaccine industry, vaccines are based on rock-solid science that proves them to be completely safe and widely effective.” from: (click link for full story) To hear it from proponents of the vaccine industry, vaccines are based on […]
“If the state forced a child to be vaccinated and the child had a significant medical reaction and potentially died as a result of that, that would be a huge burden that the state would have put on those parents.” – Former New Zealand Prime Minister John Key by Emma […]