FrankenSkies is an 80 minute social change documentary regarding the Solar Geoengineering/Chemtrail agenda that affects every living being on earth. The struggle of bringing awareness to this subject, despite the obstacles of a socially engineered populace and the military industrial complex with its endless resources, is palpable in this awakening […]
Videos Interesting but disturbing documentary: View with discretion!
WHO IS THIS MAN? Something Strange is Going On… Jared Kushner globalist george soros connection donald trump 666 fifth avenue israel antichrist spirit on earth? jason a “For someone with no prior government experience, Jared Kushner has accumulated a dizzying array of portfolios in the administration of his father-in-law President […] Published on Jun 4, 2017 In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth interviews first time Bilderberg attendee Maurizio Molinari editor and chief of La Stampa about his experience and his views on ISIS being created by the CIA. Reserve your Investigate Bilderberg T-Shirt ➜…
I only ever took the ‘flu vac. once, many moons ago, and make me sick for two weeks! (Normally takes a few days for me to get over the actual flu, I find raw lemon, ginger and honey juice works a treat. Credit to Snafu for the source. With videos like this turning up, and the 22/22/22 (Number of victims, date of attack, age of terrorist) coincidence, the convenient finding ID at the scene of the crime (shades of 9-11) it’s no wonder the inevitable suspicions about a false flag have gained momentum. Fuel to the fire.
Armed troops deployed on UK streets: Does this constitute Martial Law? Sure looks that way to me. There are of course many videos on the subject doing the rounds, I picked this one as Leak Project takes a good look at the various inevitable claims and theories. Is this […]
May 20, 2017 By Vin Armani In this video, software and blockchain developer Vin Armani examines the WannaCry ransomware that the corporate media acted like it was the end of the world. Ultimately it appears to be an amateurish false flag attack on bitcoin. But upon digging into the bitcoin […]
WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has claimed an “important victory” as he spoke outside the Ecuadorian Embassy in London hours after Sweden dropped the rape case against him. Raising a clenched fist to supporters outside his makeshift home for the past five years, the Australian claimed the “war is just […]