Published on May 16, 2017 May 16, 2017: Unusual ‘energy waves’ are appearing on seismograms simultaneously at the North & South Poles. These patterns resemble nothing of the norm as defined at Another strange signal was detected on MIMIC just prior to these showing up. The MIMIC signal spanned […]
Published on May 13, 2017 Global Chemtrail Summit: HIgh Technology now makes it possible to monitor all of us and change the weather, monitor space junk in orbit for launching satellites and undreamed of control of our environment. A multimedia presentation. The following quote is from the writeup on her […]
Sent to myself (Martin H.) via Email from “Jack”: “The N.W.O. police state is accelerating at an enormous pace, coming down on us all like a freight train (instigated by the CIA and NSA, that as we know, as you explain in your book, are both now controlled from […]
Published on May 4, 2017 It is quite a thing to realize how much of our cultural world was invented by SciFi writers back in the day. Many of these fiction writers can be shown to be related to the Tavistock Institute. Aliens and UFOs are no different. While I […] This guy’s story is going viral right now. My opinion: “Too good to be true” file; exercise discretion and caution. Maybe he’s the real deal, but these things usually turn out not to be what they seem. I intend doing some digging, and I suggest discerning viewers do likewise. […]
…How many souls are there really in this world? Do we just take it for granted the figures are true? Some are asking and searching for themselves: With the North Korea situation, Operation Gotham, recent power outages and increased solar activity all on everyone’s mind right now, it doesn’t hurt to be prepared for the grid going down,even temporarily. This is not a cause for panic, just commonsense preparedness.
Open Source Intelligence vs. Spying Intel A great platform for providing unfiltered, unbiased information throughout society in an effort to return the power back to the people! Synopsis: In order to get the word out to a greater audience, Mr Steele has again invited everyone to […]
Thanks to Saru G at for the heads up. Water is rapidly becoming the new oil:
Interesting report from SGT expresses what many are no doubt feeling. Has Trump been swallowed by “The Swamp”? It seems to me that the Illuminated Elite are still in charge. Some presidents are members or willing accomplices, others reluctant or unwitting. Whatever, it seems “the Plan” marches on regardless, inevitably […]