Sayer Ji elaborates on what many contributors to the medical threads on this site have already pointed out .. ‘Evidence-Based’ Medicine: A Coin’s Flip Worth of Certainty Sayer Ji What if 90% of the peer-reviewed clinical research, the holy grail of the conventional medical system, is exaggerated, or worse, completely […]
What Your Doctor Won’t Tell
Shaken Baby Syndrome: An Abusive Diagnosis By Dr Archie Kalokerinos 12th April 2008 These are the final words from an enlightening book. “Worse still (if that is possible) are the parents who unjustly sit in jails, waiting in death row. Something terrible has infected my medical colleagues – or a […]
Raised on a wildlife reserve in Alaska, 15-year-old Garrett was interested in the dietary habits of the farm animals. After the tragic death of his mother, Garrett’s father decided to home-school his son and assigned a book written by Dr. Max Gerson that proposed a direct link between diet and […]
YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO THE LAUNCH OF THE NEW ZEALAND JOURNAL OF NATURAL MEDICINE (#2) Since our Launch in May, The NZ Journal of Natural Medicine has fast become “essential reading” for thousands of New Zealanders and Australians, alike. The first issue has nearly sold out, and we […]
Savely Yurkovsky MD a US doctor (whose book BIOLOGICAL, CHEMICAL AND NUCLEAR WARFARE – on surviving nuclear disasters, biological warfare etc) states that the standard Potassium Iodide (KI) pills issued to authorities in states with nuclear reactors contain 130 mg of KI each. This is the dose for adults 18 […]
Forgotten breakthrough! New England Journal of Medicine Hammers Chemo, Applauds Alternative Cancer Therapy December 26th, 2002 (Note the date – Ed.) Who would have believed that the prestigious New England Journal of Medicine would APPLAUD an Alternative Cancer Therapy, and in the same article, BLAST chemotherapy, as worthless? Well, it happened. in […]
Source: With the terrible earthquake in Japan, let’s send thoughts, prayers as well as assistance to the Japanese. I have had inquiries about the use of iodine to prevent problems secondary to the nuclear fallout that will occur. As the Japanese nuclear reactors release radiation into the air, the […]