Watch this movie. On at the Auckland film festival https://www.nzff.co.nz/default.aspx?id=8791&region=2 Still tickets available for the last two shows. … ooooh but hurry. ========================= The official ‘redband’ trailer for American The Bill Hicks Story www.americanthemovie.com This groundbreaking new documentary uses a stunning new animation technique to tell the story of the modern cultural […]

There’s an old adage in medicine: An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. I couldn’t agree more. The problem with a lot of truly preventive medicine is that there’s not much money in it. The real money (for drug companies) is in treatment. To an extent, there […]

With financial ties to nearly two dozen drug and biotech companies, Dr. Charles B. Nemeroff may hold some sort of record among academic clinicians for the most conflicts of interest. A psychiatrist, a prominent researcher, and chairman of the department of psychiatry and behavioral science behavioral science Full article

Source: https://beyondvaccination.com/showthread.php?1583-Jasmine-Renata Open Letter to Dr Stewart Jessamine, Medsafe. Saturday, 9 January, 2009. Dear Dr Jessamine, I have been working with Rhonda Renata since October, regarding her daughter’s death following the Gardasil vaccination, and have permission to discuss her death, and for all information I have to be made public.  […]
