Russell L. Blaylock, M.D. In 1976, children received 10 vaccines before attending school. Today they will receive over 36 injections. The American Academy of Pediatrics and the Center for Disease Control assured parents that it was safe to not only give these vaccines, but that they could be given […]


Mutant Strains of Insecticide Sprayed on New Zealand Public by David Gaughan MAF has always maintained that the sprays used for the Painted Apple Moth eradication programme a few years back were harmless, pointing out that the main active ingredient in the spray is a natural occurring substance in soils […]

By Cornelia Read There’s a topic I’ve wanted to blog about here for a long time, but it’s pretty heavy stuff–not exactly the bright and breezy fare most people want to skim through online while sipping their morning beverage of choice. Over the last year or so, every time I […]

Please post widely. The NZ “health” bureaucracy Medsafe has revealed itself to be a tool of the pharmaceutical companies, and is now threatening the very existence of the entire NZ natural health industry. Consequently, it is absolutely imperative that New Zealanders push back, and demand their right to freedom of […]

HIGHEST PRIORITY: PLEASE CIRCULATE WIDELY Not a day goes by that doesn’t see the sad results of a government whose policies are destroying the health of this once healthy nation. Whether it promotes vaccines – many of which are known to be harmful – mercury amalgam dental fillings, genetically engineered […]

Source: Wanna know how to tell when they’ve taken airport security precautions too seriously? It’s not the bottle of contraband nail polish they “stole” from my wife last weekend. It’s not even when they busted Rush Limbaugh for not being able to get it up without chemical enhancement. It’s […]

More on the outrageous scam of "cholesterol" drugs. All info about the health scourge that statins are, needs to become public asap. I had to "give up" on the el crappo devil’s advocating of statins below – my [cynical] laughter obstructed my focus. I take "heart" though – Business Week […]
