Please post widely. The NZ “health” bureaucracy Medsafe has revealed itself to be a tool of the pharmaceutical companies, and is now threatening the very existence of the entire NZ natural health industry. Consequently, it is absolutely imperative that New Zealanders push back, and demand their right to freedom of […]
What Your Doctor Won’t Tell
HIGHEST PRIORITY: PLEASE CIRCULATE WIDELY Not a day goes by that doesn’t see the sad results of a government whose policies are destroying the health of this once healthy nation. Whether it promotes vaccines – many of which are known to be harmful – mercury amalgam dental fillings, genetically engineered […]
Source: Wanna know how to tell when they’ve taken airport security precautions too seriously? It’s not the bottle of contraband nail polish they “stole” from my wife last weekend. It’s not even when they busted Rush Limbaugh for not being able to get it up without chemical enhancement. It’s […]
More on the outrageous scam of "cholesterol" drugs. All info about the health scourge that statins are, needs to become public asap. I had to "give up" on the el crappo devil’s advocating of statins below – my [cynical] laughter obstructed my focus. I take "heart" though – Business Week […] This is a total outrage IMHO. Insanity – Gunpoint Medicine Mike Adams NewsTarget 11-23-7 Following the State of Maryland’s threats against parents who refuse to have their children vaccinated, children were herded into a Price George County courthouse being guarded by armed personnel with attack dogs. Inside, the children […] Pharmaceutical firms are inventing diseases to sell more drugs, researchers have warned. “Pharmaceutical Grade Fish Oil – The Ultimate Supplement for Anyone Concerned with Heart Attack, Stroke, Alzheimers, Depression and Turning Back the Clock” Nation’s Leading Anti-Aging Physician Spills His Guts… Reveals Why Almost All Doctors Don’t Advise Their Patients to Take the #1 Age-Reversing Supplement Ever Known Dear Friend, If […]
GM: New study shows unborn babies could be harmed Mortality rate for new-born rats six times higher when mother was fed on a diet of modified soya By Geoffrey Lean, Environment Editor The Independent on Sunday, 08 January 2006 Women who eat GM foods while pregnant risk endangering their […]
New Zealand Truth, January 5, 2006, page 3. BIRD BRAIN Kiwi writer says UN is infecting us By John Landrigan BIRD flu imported for scientific experiments will leak and kill thousands in planned genocide, a Kiwi author claims. Biosecurity NZ wants to import the bird flu virus for diagnosis and […]
Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen 1-9-5 According to the newspaper “Times of India,” 150,000 people, mostly from the United States, went to India last year for Medical care. Called “medical tourism” the numbers are growing at 15% per annum and by 2012, that “medical tourism” is expected to generate […]