Posted By: aueg15 Date: Saturday, 29 January 2005, 10:13 p.m. Hi, this a high priority mail for a massive distribution. Thanks. INOCULATIONS: THE TRUE WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION CAUSING VIDS (VACCINE INDUCED DISEASES) (AN EPIDEMIC OF GENOCIDE) by Rebecca Carley, M.D. Court Qualified Expert in VIDS and Legal Abuse Syndrome […]
What Your Doctor Won’t Tell
****SPECIAL BIRD FLU EDITION—- ALTERNATIVE HEALTH NEWS ONLINE ***** Named by Newsweek as its favorite alternative medicine site and by Forbes as a “Bestof the Web”
Sneak Attack In Congress Give Protection To Big Pharma 12-27-5 Well, the Defense Appropriations Bill for 2006 has now been passed by both houses of Congress. Bill Frist, at the last minute, inserted language that gives vast protections to drug companies and the US government itself. Piecing various reports […]
Press Release Ron Law Risk & Policy Analyst Barbara Sumner Burstyn Researcher/writer After spending $200 million on the development and release of the MeNZB™ vaccine, data released quietly by the Ministry of Health confirms that it has failed to work. In Counties Manukau, ground zero for meningococcal disease, from January […]
The Center for Disease Control has released a list of bird flu symptoms. If you experience any of the following, please seek medical treatment immediately: 1. High fever 2. Congestion 3. Nausea 4. Fatigue 5. Aching joints 6. Flapping your arms. 7. Collecting twigs in a corner of your living […]
SWISS AGRICULTURE GE-FREE UNTIL 2010! – Victory against Swiss Gene-Manipulator-Mafia! – GENE-TECH FREE YOU – You must participate too! ——— Basel Appeal Against Genetic Engineering P.O. Box 4013 Basel / Switzerland 27.11.2005 PRESS RELEASE GENE-TECH-FREE: Switzerland participates too! Today, Sunday, Switzerland decided in a referendum about the GENE-TECH-FREE initiative. With […]
Source: In the latest version of “art precedes reality,” Hollywood predicted a viral outbreak that would require quarantine of an entire town in America in the 1995 movie Outbreak starring Dustin Hoffman. In that movie the virus came from a monkey being smuggled in from Zaire. The movie was […] ASLAN Date: Tuesday, 4 October 2005, 1:07 p.m. I came by this article and found it very interesting. LEMONS could soon be used to stop the spread of HIV. According to controversial research by Prof. Roger Short, a leading academic in sexual health, acidic lemon juice destroys 90 per […]
Source: Intravenous Vitamin C Kills Cancer Cells By Bill Sardi – 9-15-5 With a growing body of evidence mounting, National Institutes of Health (NIH) researchers conceded today that intravenous vitamin C may be an effective treatment for cancer. Last year the same researchers reported a similar study but the […]
Source: From: Environment News Service WASHINGTON, DC, August 30, 2005 –/WORLD-WIRE/– Eleven EPA employee unions representing over 7000 environmental and public health professionals of the Civil Service have called for a moratorium on drinking water fluoridation programs across the country, and have asked EPA management to recognize fluoride […]