mRNA altering DNA, DNA affected by EMF: You’ve probably heard bits and pieces through various alt. media channels about these things usually in conjunction with Covid vaccines and 5G. Can any of this be true? Is there any good evidence for any of this? Does any of it fit together […]

Cybersecurity and privacy experts have been warning for many years about risks associated with all Internet of Things (IoT), “Smart”, and wireless “Wi-Fi” technology (see 1, 2, 3, 4, 5). By B.N. Frank Additional experts have been warning against launching more telecommunication satellites for other significant reasons (see 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9).  Nevertheless, companies are still getting approval to launch more telecom […]

Cities AND entire countries have taken action to ban, delay, halt, and limit 5G installation AS WELL AS issue moratoriums due to economic, environmental, health, and public safety risks. By B.N. Frank Increased energy consumption is both an economic and environmental concern.  5G requires millions of small cells and/or antennas to operate.  Recently, China announced […]

Just last month, PC Magazine advised Verizon phone users to turn off and/or disable 5G due to slow speed. In September, it was reported that AT&T’s 5G was slower than 4G in almost every city where it was tested.  In 2019, there were reports of T-Mobile 5G phones overheating and catching fire. By B.N. Frank JANUARY 3, 2021 […]

High-speed internet CAN be obtained without 5G and even without wireless, but they aren’t interested in providing safe high-speed internet access – only 5G – despite increasing expert opposition and warnings. Apparently, one employee of a little-known government agency is making this more difficult for them. OCTOBER 9, 2020 By B.N. Frank High-speed internet CAN […]

Thinking of buying a new phone, just for high-speed mm Wave 5G? Do yourself a favor: Don’t. By B.N. Frank There has been so much controversy, opposition, and international action taken AGAINST 5G deployment that it’s been the subject of Dilbert comic strips. American opposition isn’t isolated to biological and environmental risks (see 1, 2). Federal agencies and […]
