There’s no hiding anymore, China backs Putin 100% SerpentZA puts forth some astute commentary and makes a compelling case for the CCP’s hidden support for Putin’s military actions in Ukraine. serpentza998K subscribers For a deeper dive into China’s Propaganda influence and soft power, watch our liveshow ADVPodcasts: Support Sasha […]
Events in Ukraine have seen interest resurface in the business dealings of the president’s son with Ukraine, Russia and China. Is this yet another past “conspiracy theory” that can no longer be dismissed? Russell Brand5.22M subscribers #Ukraine#HunterBiden#Russia References…
Dear NZ Government: Take note. Regardless of one’s position on Putin’s occupation of Ukraine, it ought to be crystal clear where the CCP stands. Yet our clueless government in New Zealand thinks it’s a great idea to ask the CCP to “Help reign in” Putin. Does someone want to Email […]
So much for MAGA as the US, far too reliant on foreign import, feels the pinch! Opinion from G Squared: Either delivery blocked or ordered pulled from shelves; the effect is the same. And magical China is not able or willing to replace all at whim. America having been very […]
I thought I was reading The Babylon Bee. Can the co-leader of the Green Party be sure utterly ignorant of geopolitics? The essence of Marama Davidson’s delusional belief is summed up in this excerpt from the aforementioned Newshub article: New Zealand was the first Western nation to land a free […]
The Narrative continues to crumble as the Biden-China connections come back under scrutiny! Emma-Jo Morris, Matthew BoyleBreitbartSun, 30 Jan 2022 A criminal IRS investigation into Hunter Biden — President Biden’s son — appears to have convened a grand jury as far back as May 2019, a confidential subpoena served to JPMorgan Chase bank […]
A good refresher on how we ended up here! As the pandemic enters its third year, questions about Covid-19’s origins appear increasingly distant. But if we are to forestall another coronavirus pandemic in the 21st century, understanding the causes of the current one is imperative. 17 Jan 2022|Brahma Chellaney Already, […]
China has been telling the world that its brutal lockdowns in service of reaching zero covid cases have largely been effective. But China is also changing the definition of the “zero” in zero covid to better align with the uncomfortable reality that covid-19 cannot be arrested or suppressed into extinction. […]
The China Evergrande Group has been declared in default on its dollar debt by Fitch Ratings. Evergrande is the second largest residential real estate company in China, with more than 1,300 projects in 280 cities. RTThu, 09 Dec 2021 © Unsplash / Derek Lee The US-based rating agency cut the […]
Watch carefully. Is this the future you want? New Zealand’s Vaccination Passport and contact tracing is the beginning of transition to this Social Credit based mass surveillance system. China is building a huge digital surveillance system. The state collects massive amounts of data from willing citizens: the benefits are practical, […]