Despite all the Climate Change propaganda, it seems certain that Antarctica is growing. With the opposite pole, the facts are harder to discern. Is the Arctic ice growing also? Or is it shrinking ? And why are the  elite taking so much interest in Antarctica? Is the […]

Dane Wigington Kevin Shipp was a decorated CIA officer who refused to look the other way in regard to government criminality and cover-up. At a recent critical public awareness event in Northern California organized by, Mr. Shipp gave an extremely informative and compelling presentation on numerous horrific ongoing government crimes. The […]

For those of you (you know who you are) who have trouble imagining a reason for what are commonly called ‘chemtrails’ … perhaps this might throw some light on its possible uses. Its interesting to note  that when there is a heat wave in the northern hemisphere its because of […]

Source: Wall Street Journal U.N. plans for a new ‘government’ are scary. By JANET ALBRECHTSEN We can only hope that world leaders will do nothing more than enjoy a pleasant bicycle ride around the charming streets of Copenhagen come December. For if they actually manage to wring out an agreement based on […]

See this update which will tell you why they changed the name from “Global Warming” to “Climate Change”. There is a lot more, but this should do for starters.


The price of dissent on global warming David Bellamy | November 25, 2008 The evidence is now in. The earth has not warmed since 1998. In fact, it’s getting colder by the minute. Here’s an article by David Bellamy who can’t get on BBC anymore since he doubted the official […]


Challenging the basis of Kyoto Protocol The Hindu, 16 July 2008 Vladimir Radyuhin Russian scientists deny that the Kyoto Protocol reflects a consensus view of the world scientific community. As western nations step up pressure on India and China to curb the emission of greenhouse gases, Russian scientists reject […]
