One brave MP stands up for freedom! “A bill which effectively gives one person enormous powers…will impact New Zealander’s lives in ways I suspect they can barely comprehend…to use fear…blackmail…when human societies lose their freedom it’s not because some tyrant has taken it away, it’s usually because people willingly surrender […]

Story now breaking in the MSM surprisingly. Seems Ardern’s communications are at odds with the facts, at least as far as the Police communicate them. MH Jo Blogs broke this story before the MSM, good work Jo! From Jo Blogs Red Sky in the Morning: KEEPING FAITH WITH NEW ZEALAND? Jacinda […]

Jacinda Ardern Prime Minister – New Zealand Dear Jacinda, I write this letter as a patriotic Kiwi with best intentions for my country and for the future health and welfare of my fellow Kiwis. You have a very difficult job at this moment in time. There can be no doubt […]

Here’s the Democrats “new look” with a certain Middle Eastern flavor! Yes, this is a photoshopped image and intended as humorous satire. But lest you are inclined to think “will never happen”… This is neither photoshopped nor a joke. (And no, she isn’t a devotee of Islam, nor a believer […]
